Hotel Villa Dorata

Hotel Villa Dorata

One step away from the crater

Surrounded by greenery, between history and myth.

Nature and Myth

The territory

The Villa Dorata hotel is located within a context whose charm cannot be denied. It is in fact located at an altitude of 1760 m. above sea level, on Etna (the highest active volcano in Europe) whose territory is characterized by an alternation of immense green expanses, with rich vegetation, craters and volcanic deserts.

Our guests will also find themselves immersed in a historical and mythological context that can well be said to be unique in the world.

Vast is the mythology about the volcano. Among the characters that made it fertile, it will be enough to remember Pindar, Aeschylus, Virgil and above all Homer who immortalized the image with the legendary figures of Polyphemus and Ulysses.

What to do

In addition to enjoying a unique panorama, surrounded by a spectacle offered by nature itself, our guests will also discover that there is no shortage of places to visit in the surrounding area and numerous activities to do, for adults and children, even just a few minutes away. distance.

Here are some of the attractions and activities in the area.

Crateri Sommitali

Summit Craters

The summit craters have existed for just over a century, as previously there was only one cone: the Central Crater. The North-East Crater was formed in 1911 and the South-East Crater in 1971, on the flanks of the Central Crater, while the Voragine (1945) and Bocca Nuova (1968) were formed inside. The most active crater in recent years has been that of Southeast, which evolved rapidly from 1996 to 2007, when it gave way to another mouth on its southeastern flank, which transformed (in only two years), in a new crater of 250 meters.

For the more sporty it is possible to organize excursions to reach the area of ​​the summit craters.

Crateri Silvestri

Silvestri craters

The formation of the Silvestri Craters dates back to the eruption of 1892, which lasted 173 days, covering 7 km and causing the formation of a radial fracture, and therefore of a buttonhole of five craters.

The Italian Alpine Club of Catania decided to give the name Silvestri to the two craters that make up the main eruptive apparatus (Upper and Lower) in honor of the well-known volcanologist Orazio Silvestri, who had also been president of the CAI, and who had died two years earlier. .

Today they are among the best known cones of the entire volcanic building because they are close to the Sapienza Refuge and the Etna cableway.



Adventure Park

EtnaAvventura is a park created among the trees of the Serra la Nave area in Nicolosi, built with bridges, pulleys, ropes and breathtaking jump points, all interspersed with platforms that allow you to breathe. All built in the name of maximum safety.

You will be able to discover the wonder of the Etna Park with our excursions and horseback rides. Also in our equipped area you can enjoy a day of fun and relaxation with your family.

For more information and reservations visit the Etna Avventura website